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New Year's Resolutions for Your Chicago Home

Dec 22, 2021 | Industry News

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With just over a week left in 2021, many of us are thinking about some resolutions to implement for the new year. Maybe you’re not one for personal resolutions to mark a new year, but it’s also a terrific time to consider some resolutions for your home. Here are some ideas to harness that new-year energy and apply it to your home in 2022:


The onset of a new year is the perfect time to think about home maintenance for the year to come. Take a look at your 2022 calendar and begin spreading out your maintenance work by monthly or even quarterly. That way, you’ll be sure that everything gets done without feeling overwhelmed by giant to-do list. Some of the maintenance will be seasonal, while others can be spread out to maintain a comfortable balance. Think about any maintenance that should have been covered in 2021, then make those tasks a priority for the new year.


We all have some minor repairs that need to be addressed. Maximizing your energy and motivation in January is a good idea. Do a walkthrough of the house and note all the repairs that need your attention — no matter how small. You can rank them in order of importance and add them to your calendar along with the other tasks.


Are there any larger projects that you hope to accomplish this year? Maybe you want to finish that outdoor space for gatherings, or the kitchen needs a makeover. If it’s something outdoors, you probably want it to be ready as soon as the weather gets warm. So, consider what you’ll need to accomplish in order to make that happen. Again, capitalizing on the fresh slate a new year brings, can help you get started and keep going.

Be Thankful

It’s easy to get bogged down thinking about how imperfect our homes might be. But it’s important to remember all the things you love about your house. There are a large number of things to be grateful for in Chicago. And while it’s easy to get caught up in all of the things we need to get done in our homes, it’s just as important to get caught up in all of the things we’re grateful for from time to time.


We’d like to wish you an early happy New Year, and if you’d like to talk more about some resolutions for your home, or if there’s something else we can help with, please get in touch.

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