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Landscaping Upgrades for Your St. Louis Home

Apr 15, 2022 | Industry News

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We’re on the cusp of Spring here in St. Louis, and you may be starting to think about getting your landscaping back in tip-top shape. While there are general yard-maintenance and landscaping projects that stay the same from year to year, we also like to experiment a little each year. Here are a few landscaping upgrades to consider.

Keep a Staycation in Mind

Warmer weather always has us all looking to the outdoors for social gatherings. Whether it’s dinner with some friends or just an afternoon spent with the family, you want your outdoor space to feel welcoming and fun. Approaching your landscaping from the perspective of a staycation is a terrific way for homeowners to create a space they’ll appreciate (and use!) all summer long. Add some furniture, some additional flowers, string up some lights — you want your landscaping and outdoor set-up to extend your home to the outside.

Creative Gardens

Whether you have a small yard space to work with or are simply looking to try something new, why not get creative with your garden. Whether you add a vertical garden to increase space or create a miniature garden on your windowsill or balcony, you don’t need to be confined to traditional garden beds. Experiment with some different garden options to make your landscaping feel more fun and fresher.

Simplify Your Color Palette

We like a monochromatic garden. Start with a main color that you want to work with and play around with different plants that work with that color scheme. The finished product can add a clean and polished look to your landscaping. It can also be fun to scout around for just the right plants to include.

Dual Function

Your landscaping can offer much more than just making your yard attractive. Think about adding plants that repel bugs to make your yard more enjoyable during the warmer insect-filled months. Some people enjoy planting gardens that support a healthy bee population. And of course, a vegetable garden provides you with delicious herbs and veggies. It’s a real treat to have a bounty of fresh produce for the summer months.


Breathing new life into your landscaping will help breathe new life into your home overall. I hope you give some of these ideas a try.

If you’d like to talk more about landscaping, or if there’s something else we can be of assistance with, please reach out. We’re always happy to help.

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