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Landscaping Trends to Consider for Your Chicago Home

Apr 13, 2021 | Industry News

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If the spring and rapidly approaching summer have you itching to spend some time getting your landscaping in tip-top shape, you’re not alone. While there are certain standard yard maintenance and landscaping tasks that stay the same from year to year, we also often see some particular trends each year that homeowners might enjoy experimenting with in their own yards. This week, we thought we’d share a few of our favorite 2021 trends:

Think StayCation

With many people still planning to spend a great deal of time at home, the warmer weather has us all looking to the outdoors for social gatherings. Whether it’s dinner with a couple of friends or just an afternoon with your family, you want your outdoor space to feel fun and inviting. Approaching your landscaping from the perspective of a staycation is a great way for homeowners to create a space they’ll love all summer long. Add some furniture, bring in some additional flowers, string up those lights. Using your landscaping and set-up of your outdoor space to extend your home to the outside.

Creative Gardens

Whether you have a small yard space to work with or are simply looking to try something new, we’re seeing homeowners get creative with their gardens. Whether you try a vertical garden to maximize space or create a miniature garden on your balcony or windowsill don’t confine yourself to the traditional garden beds. Exploring some different garden options can help make your landscaping feel more fresh and fun.

Simple Color Palette

Many homeowners are enjoying more monochromatic gardens. Choose a main color that you want to work with and experiment with different plants that work with that color scheme. This approach can add a really clean and polished vibe to your landscaping. It can also make for fun afternoons scouting for just the right plants to include in your garden.

Double Function

Your landscaping can do so much more than just make your yard beautiful. Consider adding plants that can keep bugs away to make your yard more enjoyable during the buggier months. Other homeowners might enjoy planting gardens that support a healthy population of bees. Finally, one of our favorite uses of a garden is for delicious herbs and veggies. Vegetable gardens are a great addition to your landscaping efforts and can provide you with wonderful fresh produce for the summer months.


Do you have any landscaping plans for this year? Have you already gotten to work cleaning up your yard and getting ready? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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