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Haven't Found Your Chicago Dream Home? Here's What to Do Now

May 4, 2021 | Industry News

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Perhaps you’ve spent the last few months combing through listings and attending virtual open houses, and you still haven’t found the home of your dreams. It can be frustrating, but it’s also a completely normal part of the house-hunting process for many buyers. Especially if you’re not being pressured by a hard deadline and you have the time to shop around, it can take some time to find a home that’s just the right fit. So, while you’re waiting to find your next home, what are some things you can do to ensure you’re staying on track? Here are a few suggestions:

Clarify Your Wants and Needs

It’s so important to revisit your wants and needs throughout the process. Especially if you’re buying with a partner, working through these together will help ensure that you’re on the same page and allow you to better guide your search. You’ll also want to hold these wants and needs up against your desired timeframe. If you’re really hoping to move by summer, for example, you might need to sharpen that ‘needs’ list down to your true must-haves and consider where you may be willing to compromise.

Take Note and Refine

If you’ve been putting in the effort but just aren’t finding that home, what deal breakers are you running into? By paying attention to the things you don’t like and that are ruling out different properties for you, you can start to better understand your process. Buying a home is a big decision, so you certainly don’t want to cut corners and settle for something you’re not happy with. But on the flip side, it’s important to check in and make sure you’re not eliminating potentially great homes because of small details that could be easily tweaked down the line.

Be Consistent

Don’t get discouraged - keep looking! After a couple of months of searching, that excitement can start to wear off. Though you might be sick of browsing listings, don’t give up. By staying consistent in your search and in touch with your realtor, you’ll be more likely to spot that perfect home right when it comes on the market, giving you a better chance of snapping it up.

Get Pre-Approved

Another proactive step you can take if you haven’t already is to get pre-approved. This way, when you do find your dream home, you’ll be prepared to make a strong offer and you’ll have your pre-approval letter to back that up. Even if you haven’t found a home you’re ready to make an offer on, getting preapproved is a great step to take while you’re waiting.


How long did it take you to find your first home? Or if you’re currently waiting, how long have you been searching? Do you have any tips to share for soon-to-be homebuyers? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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