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Designing the Perfect Guest Bedroom in Your St. Louis Home

Aug 10, 2020 | Industry News

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Whether you bought a home with an extra bedroom, or one of your children has recently moved out on their own, having a space for guests is a great bonus for homeowners. How you use the room will likely depend on how often you have guests actually staying in it, but regardless of how often you have visitors, there are a few things all homeowners can do to maximize the additional room in their home. Here are a few key tips:

Get Clear on Function

The first step is to get clear on the purpose of the room. Do you frequently have out-of-town guests that stay the night? Does the room double function as an office? Do you need the additional storage space? Multi-functional rooms are great, but they can be a challenge when you don’t plan ahead. Get clear with your goals for the room so that you can design it accordingly.

Utilize the Space

This seems obvious, but so many homeowners create a guest bedroom only to have overnight guests once a year. This is where getting clear on function is key. You want to maximize all the space in your house, so don’t overlook your guest room as a separate space. Investing in some storage systems for the closet or under the bed, for example, is a great way to take advantage of the extra space without taking away from a potential guest’s comfort.

Reduce Clutter

When you do have a guest, you want them to feel comfortable in their space. Reducing clutter is a great way to make your guest room more appealing. As I mentioned above, using the space for storage is great, but it’s best if that storage can be kept out of sight. It’s also nice to keep some surfaces clear so that your guest has a place to put their things and spread out a bit.

Think Comfort

Finally, you want your guest room to be inviting. Having a small armchair or desk can help your guests feel even more comfortable. Including a mirror is a great addition because it allows your guest to get ready a bit in the morning before heading out into your home. An extra blanket on the bottom on the bed makes it easy for them to grab another layer if needed. Even something as simple as choosing soft, warm lighting as opposed to bright white can give the room some charm. Little details go a long way in making your guests feel at home.


Do you have a guest room in your St. Louis home? How do you make use of the space? What are your tips for designing a great guest room? Please share your thoughts with us!

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