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Designing a Meditation Space in Your Chicago Home

Jan 26, 2021 | Industry News

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Whether you’re a seasoned meditator or someone looking for ways to destress, there’s no doubt that many people, from yogis to business professions, have found the practice to be highly beneficial. While one of the best things about meditation is that you don’t need anything and you can do it anywhere, many people find it useful to have a specific space they use just for this purpose. It can help to solidify the habit and remind you to do it more frequently. Here’s how Chicago homeowners can create a meditation space in their own homes:

Be Strategic & Get Creative

Meditating doesn’t require much space, so those random nooks and crannies or unused corners in your home can be the perfect location. Look for spaces where you might be able to place a chair or meditation cushion that would be comfortable for you to relax in. Even if you’re feeling tight on space, your mediation area doesn't have to be exclusively for meditating. Maybe it’s a section of your bedroom, for example. What you want is a space that feels comfortable and relaxing.

Choose Calming Colors

If you do have a bit of space and design freedom, using neutral colors in your meditation space can help contribute to a feeling of calm. It might be a light color yoga mat or meditation cushion or a simple piece of artwork. If you’re lucky enough to have a space you can paint, even choosing a soothing wall color can add to the tranquility of the area.

Keep it Clutter Free

Though many meditators close their eyes, it’s still beneficial to keep your meditation space clutter free. If you’ve redesigned a corner of your living room, for example, it’s a good idea to keep it simple. Remove any unnecessary items and try to keep the area around you free of distractions. If there are certain objects or pieces of artwork that relate to your meditation practice, intentionally incorporating these into your design can be a great way to make your space feel personal.

Make it Practical

Finally, you want your meditation space to be practical and to support your meditation practice. If you have several young children, for example, finding a private space with a door might be a top priority. You also want to think about how you like to meditate. While meditation cushions may look great in the space, if you’re not comfortable sitting that way, it’s not the best option. Assess what you need from your space and design from there.


Do you ever meditate at home? Do you have a designated spot? What elements help to create a calming space? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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