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Are You Financially Prepared to Buy a Home in St. Louis?

May 4, 2021 | Industry News

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Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions in many people’s lives. This might feel overwhelming, but when you put in the effort to prepare and move at the right pace, you can eliminate a great deal of stress and focus on the excitement of having a new home. So, if you’re getting ready to take the leap into homeownership, here are some important questions you’ll want to consider:

Do You Have an Emergency Fund?

An emergency fund is a wise investment for anyone, but it’s especially important for homeowners. If you’re used to a landlord taking care of larger repairs, homeownership can bring on a boatload of new responsibilities. An emergency fund can keep unexpected expenses from creeping up on you and sabotaging your budget. By working to grow this emergency fund over time, you’ll set yourself up for more seamless repairs and upgrades when the time comes.

Do You Have a Budget?

Homeownership can also come with additional expenses that you weren’t used to as a renter. It’s not to say that you’ll be paying more each month necessarily, but it is important to know exactly where your money is going and how that plays into your overall budget. If you’re not already in the habit of creating a budget for yourself and your family, now could be a great time to start so that you’re able to easily assess and monitor expenses associated with buying and maintaining a home.

Have You Paid Off Debt?

While you certainly don’t have to be completely debt-free to buy a home, it is wise for homebuyers to consider their debt when thinking about how much home they can afford. If you have debt you’ve been carrying around for a while, it can be a smart plan to tackle as much of it as you can before you dive into buying a home. If it’s not completely paid off, you can include it in your budget to ensure that you stay on track with your payments.

Have You Talked to a Loan Officer?

Talking to a loan officer can help you put all the financial pieces together. If you’re already starting to look at homes, getting preapproved can help you prove your financial preparedness to sellers, helping you stand out in a competitive market. A loan officer can also help to answer your questions and make sure that you feel confident and well informed on the financial side of things before diving into the process.


How did you assess your financial situation before becoming a homeowner? Do you have any tips for first-time buyers? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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